Friday, July 15, 2005

The Paper

Recently I have realized the importance of the daily paper. We live in a town where there is always something going on. It is a smaller town with street fairs, etc. Well, if you don't get the "paper" you don't know what's going on unless you hear it around town. Therefore, we are now happy subscribers to The Tennessean. This is our local paper with a smaller section devoted to our county every day. Now I won't miss that bake sale, or the latest scoop. Of course, the paper is also a valuable tool for finding out the important things in life. I'll be honest and say that I normally read the front page of each section and move on, but at least I'll save money. On Sunday is coupon day!!!! Grocery stores BEWARE! In reality in this age of e-commerce it is still nice to sit and read the days events with a good ole' fashioned honest to goodness gettin' the ink all over you paper. If you don't subscribe - you should! Remember as well to recycle that paper.

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