Saturday, September 23, 2006


Originally uploaded by ladybuglee.
I love September. It has the BEST birthstone and I have so many special people that celebrate birthday's in September. Therefore, this post will serve as a HUGE HAPPY BIRTHDAY for all my friends and family. Let the singing begin.
May this next year bring each of you joy and happiness.

Carolyn Lee (my wonderful mother in law) 9/10
Gail Turner (my most amazing mom) 9/20
Jennifer Barton (one of my BEST friends) 9/24

If I have forgotten you then..... It must be b/c I don't know your birthday.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I agree, September IS a great month! :) The only downside is when you're a kid, you get school stuff for birthday presents!

Your mom and I share a birthday, I don't think I've ever known of anyone else with my birthday. :)