Tuesday, April 12, 2005

40 Days of Community

My church has started the Rick Warren, "Forty Days of Community". I was not there on the first Sunday, but our class has been given a challenge!!! Who doesn't love a challenge? Well, we are to show an act of kindness, etc. to someone on staff/volunteer, etc. at the church. We went "behind the scenes" and chose the cleaning crew. Have you ever thought about that? The church is always clean and neat. I never considered that someone has to keep it looking that way. Well, we have now determined that it takes 30 man hours to clean the church. I figured it would be some cleaning crew, but no, it is a couple named Tim and Carol Williams. They have been doing this for 10 years. That is totally amazing to me. OK, so we as a class let them know that we are giving them the day "off". We are going to tackle the cleaning of the church. Wow, this kind of scares me b/c the church is pretty stinkin' big. When the Williams family heard of our "community" service, they were thrilled to say the least. Carol wept and thanked us b/c in the 10 years noone has ever called to say "good job" all they ever here is if something was wrong. What a sad state. Makes you think about all the other people who do things behind the scenes. Such as the cleaning ladies at hotels. (That is a post for another day). By the way, did I mention that Tim goes in for double knee replacement surgery this week. Isn't the Lord's timing impeccable? Well, I will have to update you when we get to the "nitty gritty" literally. The reason I am posting is to say, this week let's all take time to give a little back. There are so many people that never get the praise they deserve and so desperately need it. Take a minute and smile, say thanks, or take the load off someone else. My guess is that you will be rewarded with a great sense of "community"! Have a good one and keep us in your prayers. That church is a big job and we don't want any complaints!


Paula said...

My church is starting the "40 Days of Purpose" in a couple of weeks. There's so much preparation that goes into it! We started preparing when I was still on staff - probably november last year!

supersimbo said...

we have been doing the 40 days purpose book as a church for 4 weeks now, really good sense of togetherness has come out of it