Friday, February 22, 2008


I now know why they call this show LOST. I am totally confused. Who watched last night? How the heck did Kate get Aaron? Why won't Jack see the baby? Why are they lying about the other passengers? Oh wait, if i knew the answers to these I wouldn't watch each week.


Anonymous said...

Maybe something happened to Claire, and it hurts Jack too much to see Aaron because it reminds him of that. He and Claire are siblings, after all...

Heidi Zawisza said...

ok, Stephanie, I know you probably don't remember me, but I am Hollie's sister in law Heidi. I met you when I moved here about 10 years ago. Hollie told me to check out your blog.......
Anyways, I am a HUGE lost fan, and I think that somehow Aaron was with Kate whenever they get rescued, and for whatever reason nobody can get back to the island to rescue the rest.....Claire was probably left behind. The thing I can't figure out is why they have to make everyone believe (in the future) that there were no more survivors??
Oh well, I guess we'll find out .....someday.
I'll have to keep up on your blog to see your take on the upcoming shows!
Nice blog btw!!