Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Owl Obsession

Recently Abbie got her some "big girl bedding". It has taken me almost 5 years to find what would fit her personality.

Well, one day I was browsing through a catalog and it hit me. It was the one. It was as if I heard singing, beckoning me to purchase it. It was the cutest, most fitting bedding I had ever laid eyes on. (And let's remember I see ALOT of bedding owning a children's boutique!!) Well, I told Mark we were making an excursion to said store because quite frankly I COULD NOT WAIT and order it. You know that mail can run a little slow sometimes!! On the day we got it Abbie was not home. So I decided to surprise her and I quickly washed all the sheets & pillowcases and hurried up and made her "new" bed. When she got home I told her I had a surprise for her. I opened the door and she just stood there. Then about 5 seconds later she squealed like I have never heard. It was total glee. She was so proud and then she said... "look at the owls!! I love them". I told her I liked the owls because they stayed awake at night and could keep her company as she went to sleep. (Don't worry we say prayers and she knows that the Lord is the one watching over her, but it's fun to pretend!!). She just loves her bed and can't get enough of it.

Fast forward about a month. She is now TOTALLY obsessed with owls. She has decided to start a collection (so hopefully she can be on some Disney show your stuff show- if you know about this please inform me!!). Then she found out about the school I went to. In college, I went to the local University and when it started it was a "night" school, therefore their mascot is none other than an owl (you know nighttime, students, need to stay awake, owl) it fits, a little kooky but fitting. Abbie has decided she is going to go there, because of the owls!!

We check out books about owls, we watch shows about owls, we play with stuffed owls at the bookstore, we find owls on clothing and have to have it!!!, owls, owls, owls. HOO would have thought the purchase of this super cute big girl bedding would lead to this.... it's a little over the top but I LOVE that she gets so passionate about things. Let's hope that translates to positive things in the future.

Hey, maybe she will major in owls!!! (Can you do that???)


Amber said...

That is adorable! I love that bedding! Everytime I see it in the catalog I think how cute it is! Isn't it fun to dress the big girl bed?? My daughter calls her bed her 'beautiful bed' - although she has now taken to sleeping on the floor for some reason! :)

jamie b said...

I wish I had a daughter to decorate her room with that bedding! I love it! It catches my eye everytime. :)

Unknown said...

These are just the cutest little owls I have ever seen.

Anonymous said...

we need to go take the kids on a owl hike... H

Silverose said...

What a beautiful room full of color and owls. I can see why she likes it so much.

Kat @ Inspired To Action said...

How fun! Isn't it wonderful to watch your children find things they're passionate about?

Emily........ said...

Have you heard of the book 'The Owl who was afraid of the dark' by Jill Tomlinson?
It's a gorgeous story which I enjoyed as a child.
The place you bought the bedding they ship to the UK??

Barbara said...

You're probably too young to know this, but OWLS used to be big in decorating in the late 60's and early 70's.
I have an old Simplicity pattern for an owl pillow and a Owl-y craft I designed for Sunday School years ago... also have owl candle molds. And am now wondering why I still have them!!! I'd be glad to share the craft with you to share with Abby.

Lindy Simpson Jones said...

so fun!!! I love that bedding too! it is funny how you never know what they will love next!

Jenn in GA said...

are you coming to heather's blog party? if so, i want to make something for your daughter. let me know...

Kelly said...

Awwwwww how precious! I, for one, am TERRIFIED of owls! They just creep me out! Too big I guess. But yeah I've actually seen those Disney commercials she's talking about. They have kids talk about special hobbies they have or special things that they collect. They're pretty cool! It's amazing just how imaginative some of these kids can get! Be sure to let us know if she ever makes it on there! ;)

Kelly said...

Here's the link to Disney's Show Your Stuff, just in case you haven't seen it...

Anonymous said...

Where can i go to view this bedding?