Monday, February 18, 2008


I know a really weird title. I will explain. Due to the nature of what my husband does there have been many times in my life that I have learned things about myself that I didn't know, weren't true or that weren't yet public. This is just another example. Today while spending some quality time on youtube (oh yes- QUALITY time) I came across a post by one craphead30 (why you choose to call yourself this I don't know)
people i swere mark lee is my cousin he is the dude playing the acustic he started playing violne at about 9 and has a wife and daughter and his wife is currently pregenet right now 1/7/08 with another one of my cousins

First off, because I don't know of someone in the family named craphead I cannot verify that this is really one of Mark's cousins. Secondly, yes I am pregnant, but we have NOT told anyone outside of immediate family and closest friends. Therefore, it is really odd to me that it is publically posted on the internet. I guess that's the breaks when your spouse does what he does.
I probably cannot document them but here are some other examples.

It was relayed to me, by a friend of mine, several years ago that they were very sorry that I had been having trouble getting pregnant. Really? I didn't even know I was trying!!! You see, my husband and I decided to wait about 7 years before we even thought about having a kid so I didn't know if I could or couldn't at that point. Apparently I was having a problem according to the public.

Another time, Mark was "accused" (online) of being seen at a family reunion- DRUNK!! Let me tell you I think the last time we were at a family reunion was about 10 years ago and there wasn't even any alcohol around. This was posted by one of his family members!

Lastly, this is not a rumor but just another example of info. getting out without our approval/knowledge. When my little sprout was born we sent out an email to close relatives/friends listing her birth details, etc. Someone took the liberty of sending this email onward and before we knew it the information had been posted on the Third Day message boards! Down to what room number I was in at the hospital. Now that is scary.

These are some of the more major one's- there have been other one's like: I had colored my hair to blonde- nope, always a brunette, that we attended a church that we have never even heard of, we were seen shopping (down to what we were buying)
Let me state for the record that I am not upset, mad, angry or anything, I am just pointing out that is is sometimes hard and a little eerie. We know this is something that comes with the territory. I sure couldn't imagine being a Britney, Bono, Angelina/Brad.
It is nice to retain some of our privacy.
If you know of any other rumors let us know.
We would love to clarify them!!!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats!! That's very exciting! :O) Hope you are feeling well and will be praying for a smooth pregnancy. Was this why you weren't able to run in Disney; sickness caused by pregnancy?

marg said...

Hey Stephanie,
Great news!
Is that 'cousin' of Mark's one of the uneducated side of the family? His spelling is atrocious (did I spell that right LOL)