Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What did you do today???

Here is what I did. I went on a crazy adventure with my brother. He got word of this crazy, auction on all this high end technology. Well I wake up at 6:30 to head out.

(Let me say in the words of my befri Brooke, "you don't get up at 6:30 for anything!!!).

Well to begin with I had to have cash to pay for my loot at this auction. I go to the ATM to pull out some cash. I get my "maximum". What I didn't know there was a cap on how much of MY money I could get out. This is really not cool.

Anyway I figure out how to get some more money and we head down to the "preview" site. We get to this office complex, head to the 8th floor, get off the elevator and hit a computer geeks Mecca. This place had high end computers, laptops, TV's, servers, mack daddy chairs, plasma TV's, external hard drives, internal hard drives, IP phones, Video servers.... the list goes on. To the tune of 561 items. I am here to tell you my mind was completely blown. Some of this stuff was so over my head. The place used to be some sort of Surveillance Company so they had all these cameras and what not. (If you read the Janet Evonovich books is reminded me of what Ranger's office in the Plum series would look like. Black, silver, sleek and $$$$$). The company was being liquidated by the bank and I was there to get a DEAL!!!

We "investigate" the items and head over the the "bid" site and it starts. It was totally what you would expect from an auction. Fast talking, fast paced, intimidating, and FUN. Out of the shoot I get a deal. Quickly I pick up this:

Did i NEED it probably not but hey, it's Christmas!!

Did I mention that this was online in real time as well.... My sweet, darling husband let me go to this and he stayed back with the miniature one. He wanted in on the action, so he logs on, tries to make sure his account is working and he sweeps up this baby for a whopping $25.00

I know, right it's a beauty. In my head as they are saying sold to online bidder # so and so I am thinking "who would pay $25.00 for that thing, who sends faxes anymore???", then I get a text from my man saying, "um, I think I just bought that fax machine on accident". Great, what are we gonna do with that (especially since we have one in the garage sale pile in the basement!!!)

Moving on. They get to the good stuff and I sweep up this new MacBook for about half of the cost.

Can you tell I am in heaven at this point!!! They go through some boring computer server stuff, I nod off for a bit, check my twitter, email, facebook, & TCB as my brother scoops up a Dell laptop, desktop and other items.

Then it comes, the moment. I found this huge recycling bin in one of the break rooms. It had a lovely hole in the top for cans (which we consume a few of on a daily basis). I am stoked, this puppy isn't getting away. So for $10.00 I get the bin (not seen in photo, a 33 gallon wheeled trashcan and the rest of the contents of the break room) Anyone need a coffee mug, can you say BLOG GIVEAWAY!!!???

Mark then wanted some flat screen monitors to go on the wall in his studio so I bid on this for him.

I then realized it was the wrong size. This is a 19" he wanted it bigger and in widescreen. (NOTE: you might want to take a look on ebay for this after Sunday as it will be up for auction!!!)

so I wait a few and score 2 of these instead

Not able to contain myself I pick up 2 of these at $25.00, my brother wanted one and I needed a family gift exchange for our Christmas party, best of all it meets the limit of $25.00!!!

To end my day I bid on item: 509. This is the prize to beat all prizes. In the auction list it states, "remaining contents of room, not already tagged". AWWW YEAH!!! I won a bunch of junk.

I get all the stuff on the counter, in the cabinets, on the floor, in the drawers. If I EVER have to buy another office supply it will be too soon. They had paper, envelopes, staplers, scissors, crap, crap, a hat, more crap, a trashcan.... you get the idea. I don't really know what is in there, but come Sunday when I pick it up and load it into boxes, we shall see. Don't worry it will be well documented for those sitting on the edge of your seat. Do i hear ANOTHER BLOG GIVEAWAY???

It was a great day, we got some great deals, had fun, experienced something new, and mostly I spent an ENTIRE day with my brother and that was worth any of the money I spent. I would pay 10X that just to be with him. It was a special memory. Can't wait till the next one!!! Hope they don't offer any FAX machines.

****You notice I left the link for the auction site out. That if for a reason. If you know about it you might bid against me and well, nothing comes between me and shopping- of ANY KIND!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. Sounds like you were in techie hog heaven! Yeah another Stephanie Plum fan. I just love her.

Anonymous said...

Please list the 19inch monitor from the ebay listing, here on your blog. Momma really NEEDS one of those!!

Take care,