Thursday, August 14, 2008


My main man and cutest husband Mark reminded me yesterday (August 13) that we had been "officially dating" for 15 years. OK, that is crazy.

See this is how the story goes. I met Mark via Mac in about June of 1993. Mac and I worked together and he wanted me to go see his "band". So I said sure. I loaded up 2 of my girlfriends, (Aimee and our other friend Stephanie).

So the 3 of us and like 5 other folks go to this "show". It was my first time seeing Third Day live, um.... if I wasn't friends with Mac it may have been my last. Seriously, there were like 10 people in the audience.

I do digress, so as the weeks passed, Mac, Mark, and the girls all began hanging out with some of our other friends. As the days, weeks passed I formed a very real and true friendship with this Mark character. He would always pick on me and then keep me in stitches. At this same time, I was praying for a real, true and genuine relationship with a man. I told the Lord I did NOT want to give my heart away again unless it was the man I was to marry!!! BOLD!!!

Mark and I continue to "hang out" with friends, going to Third Day shows, befriending the other guys in the band (Tai and David) and having the best summer of our lives. Then one day, Third Day was playing at the youth group at my then church. My new and very open friend Tai came up to Mark and I as we were talking and said, "So what's the deal, are y'all like a couple or something?" This was the first (but not the last) time Tai left me standing with my jaw dropped. Well, Mark and I stamper around the question with the required, um.. No, we're just friends..... inside I was falling for this dude. I was having sessions with my then youth minister trying to figure out if the feelings could be real and from the Lord. Remember that husband I was praying for. YIKES!!!!!

After a few more weeks, and HOURS on the phone (Mark worked in Auburn, AL that summer- he will have to post about his former life if you want the answer to that one!!!) a friend of ours told Aimee that Mr. Lee had himself a bit of a crush- on this brown haired, blue eyed, firecracker of a gal. Being the super friend she is Aimee then relays the info. to me (how high school). Well, if you know me, you know that I am not one to avoid the truth. The next night as Mark and I have our late night talk I just come out with it. "Hey, I hear you kinda have a crush on me- what's the deal!!!" If you know my husband, you know that he is not one to lie!!! He says, well, yeah, so maybe we should like go out or something.

Fast forward to August 15, 1993. We are sitting at YMCA Camp High Harbour (Third Day was the house band that summer). We are in the amphitheater by the lake. Mac is down front singing his High Harbour closing night song and Mr. Lee leans over to me and says.... "Will you be my girlfriend?" This took me a little by surprise. We had been on a couple of dates (alone), still hung out with our friends, and this whole time had the best of times together. I took a leap, jumped in, said yes and the Lord answered my prayers that night. He knew that 4 years later we would be married.

I have to say, I am with my best friend in life. I love him, he totally gets me and my many quirks and still loves me as much today as he did on 8/13/93. So to that I say, thank you Mr. Mark Lee for asking me to be your girlfriend and 15 years later I still say YES!!!!


Anonymous said...

Awwww that is too precious! Thanks so much for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

What a sweet story! Thank you for sharing it, Stephanie. It's always encouraging to read how the Lord answered prayers like this. Same thing happened for Dan and I. I prayed God would send me a boyfriend, and two weeks later, there was Dan. We fell in love at first site. The weird thing was that he was the teller at the bank, and had been working at that same window for 3 months. He had probably been waiting on me that whole time, but we never noticed each other until I prayed! Six months later we were married. That was 26 happy years ago! So it's wonderful to me to see another story of God providing an answer to prayer in this most important area of life. :-)

Silverose said...

Thanks for sharing your love story, that is so sweet. I know that you will have so many more. God has blessed you in so many ways.

Anonymous said...

I'm sobbing! (Why am I sobbing?) I love "how we met" stories. That's really a great one! You missed your calling -- romance novelist.

Mary said...

Very Sweet to hear how you two met! Hey...thanks for posting your High School Buddies Link....I got in touch with Leigh.....very fun!

Anonymous said...

The fact that he remembered before you that there was an anniversary of any sort is HUGE.

Ya' done good, girl! (Well, God done good. But YAY YOU for obeying and marrying the dude!)

Anonymous said...

Great story!

Emily........ said...

What a fantastic story! My hubby and I have been married for 15 years 3rd April 1993 and been a couple for 18!! Time sure does fly. It's so amazing to know that God had our husbands all planned out for us - he knew who the right guy was and wasn't it worth the wait??!!!
Praise the Lord for Godly marriages =0)

Anonymous said...

Awww, I love "how we met" stories. They make me teary eyed. I'm always embarrassed to admit that I met my husband in a bar. But it was called Club Heaven and Hell and I met him in the part called "Heaven," so I guess it was meant to be. :) We've been married 11 years now.

We're going to see your husband and the guys when they come to Dallas in October. Do you get to see them in concert often? We're taking our sons (ages 7 and 9). It will be their first concert and they are way excited. They love Third Day, it's so cute!

You have a beautiful family. Congrats on your new baby!

Jen in TX

Unknown said...

Such a sweet story! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I love these stories! How sweet! Can't help but smile as I read it....