Monday, August 18, 2008


Some of you have gone down the path of our buddies the Cowen's. For years they tried to have a baby, went to hell and back and decided to adopt. They have been so very faithful in their walk with the Lord during this trial. I don't know that I would have had the strength to keep moving ahead. Did I mention that Brooke and BJ are both just a tiny bit stubborn!!! (I can say that b/c I love them so much and they know me and well, this pot is calling the kettle black!!!) Anyway, finally after so many tears, pleading with the Lord, having good days and bad days, sharing in the pregnancy and birth of many others around them, we can proudly say "IT'S A BOY".

They made the decision months ago to adopt. They have been diligent in the process- did I mention you go through some major JUNK trying to adopt. 911 screenings, fingerprints, physicals, your life looked at from the inside out. Yet, through the ups and downs they have been strong, supportive to one another and honest!! This has been so hard. Then with each step doors have been closed. They had to go through several birthmothers saying "NO". With each one you can imagine it is like another negative pregnancy test (one time they even got to see photos of the baby- SERIOUSLY!!!!)

Today the cloud has been lifted and the Lord has answered the desires of their hearts!!!! They got the call that a birthmother has chosen "THEM"!!! She, i think from what I understand, actually fell in love with them. OK, that is what I am talkin' about. So come December 22, 2008 we will meet little baby boy Cowen!!! (insert loud scream as I am still so overjoyed and overwhelmed by the Lord's grace!!!) This couple is very hard NOT to fall in love with so with each no I would ask WHY LORD!!! Today, the why is an AMEN. The initial prayer has been answered.

There is still much we need to pray for. Specifics, 1) pray for Ashley, the birth mom (healthy pregnancy, strength to go through with adoption), 2) Baby Cowen, that he will be strong, healthy and cute so that my baby Katherine will just swoon all over him!! (can you say arranged marriage??) 3) Peace and comfort to Brooke and BJ until the baby is born!! 4) MAJOR!!! finances. It is rather costly to adopt a child. They have raised so much money but still have so much to go!!! The Lord will provide, let's just keep praying for the how.

Take a look at their blog and read their story, tell them hello and keep coming back with your support.

Brooke and BJ we love you and can't wait to share yet another fun journey with you!!!


Unknown said...

Wow! That just warms the heart. I traveled a very similar road, so can totally relate to Brooke's journey, though we did not take the path to adoption. Will visit their blog and pray for them!

Anonymous said...

Okay, totally crying! Wow - what a day. You have been my rock through this. I love you! Katherine and Levi sittin' a tree - K I S S I N know the rest....

Emily........ said...

What a wonderful story!
We have very dear friends in the same position. They are atempting to go down the adoption route and your friends' story gives me hope for them.
Thanks =0)